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Conference paper information

The influence of body weight in the performance of child restraint systems. A preliminary study with the PIPER human body model

F.J. López-Valdés, S. Ferris, M. Valdano

21st Protection of Children in Cars Conference - POCC 2023, Munich (Germany). 28-30 noviembre 2023

Spanish layman's summary:

La normativa UNECE R-129 establece las características de los sistemas de retención infantil (SRI) en función de los resultados observados con dummies de alturas específicas, pero la influencia del peso del dummy no se tiene en cuenta en la regulación.

English layman's summary:

UNECE R-129 establishes the required performance of child restraint systems (CRS) based on proposed thresholds measured by pediatric dummies of different heights, but the influence of weight is not assessed by the regulation.

Keywords: safety, children, child restraint systems, UN-ECE R129

Publication date: November 2023.

López-Valdés, F.J., Ferris, S., Valdano, M., The influence of body weight in the performance of child restraint systems. A preliminary study with the PIPER human body model, 21st Protection of Children in Cars Conference - POCC 2023, Munich (Germany). 28-30 November 2023.

    Research topics:
  • Biomechanics


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